Thursday, December 12, 2019

Risk Assessment of Outsourcing IT Network of Aztec

Question: Discuss about the Risk Assessment of Outsourcing IT Network of Aztec. Answer: Introduction: Network outsourcing alludes to moving parts of a system to third-party organization benefits to successfully move the burden of operation and administration far from an organization. Network outsourcing obliges different patterns like virtualization administrations, cloud merchant administrations and different sorts of third-party outsourcing that are assisting enterprises in all businesses and of all sizes to remodel their IT frameworks for future (Luca, 2015). Establishing a clear Service Level Agreement with the credits defined within the contract is the most crucial aspect of outsourcing the network. The report provides the information on best practices and risk assessment of outsourcing network from a third party organization. The Aztec is the organization that will implement the network within its business environment. The study suggests bets practice for outsourcing the network in the financial sector. Aztec is currently having a security control measurement or posture. For incorporating the network within the existing system, the organization needs to update its security posture. Review of the Project: The project is about integrating the network IT functionality within the Aztecs information system. The project will be consist of various risks such as following. Strategic risk: Service providers business processes can be against the strategic goals of Aztec Reputation harm: Poor performance of the service provider will affect the organizations performance and can harm its reputation among clients (Fayazbakhsh, Reiter Sekar, 2013) Legal risk: Possible in terms of a case of non-compliance with the consumer, privacy and prudential law. Best Practice: Establishing the clear objective: Aztecs management executives are needed to have a clear concept and goals regarding the network it intends to implement. The executives must not duel about the scope of the project. If Aztec has clear vision of the objectives then the third party organization will easily understand the objective of the project (Shi, Zhang Zhong, 2015). Any sign of misunderstanding can result into scope creep. Measuring the relevant aspects: In most outsourcing engagements, estimation focuses on the properties caught in the administration level understandings. However, in terms of getting a genuine appraisal of administration conveyance, it is important to move up the administration level measures from a more granular level to an aggregate level (Han et al., 2015). Accordingly, a standard SLA philosophy that makes it clear how measures were to be made at the granular level was produced. In addition to that, protocols regarding how these administration level measures ought to be collected and moved up were set up (Ravindran et al., 2015). This guaranteed estimation and collection was done in a comparable manner crosswise over engagements, giving a uniform picture over all outsourcing courses of action. Choosing vendor: The colossal lion's share of administrators we overviewed more than sixty six percent liked to work with a solitary service provider, for a few reasons: 1.By utilizing one vendor Aztec can have access to more prominent efficiencies than utilizing "best of breed" providers for various functionalities 2.Solitary outsourcers made dealing with the outsourcing game plan simpler and permitted them to consider that one vendor responsible (Tjader et al., 2014) Some respondents communicated worry that a different supplier approach would require an additional layer of administration to administer the interface between suppliers. 1.Several of the littler versatile administrators questioned that the multiple provider approach would empower singular vendors to accomplish the scale they expected to meet their cost investment funds objectives (Liang et al., 2016). Then again, 25 percent of administratorsfor the most part expansive onesfavored a multi-vendor way to deal with outsourcing, refering to three essential advantages: 1.Internal rivalry: Both settled and versatile administrators saw a key favorable position in having the capacity to keep up a component of rivalry between various suppliers. Rivalry, in this view, would advance execution changes and process development (Chai, Liu Ngai, 2013). The technique would likewise abstain from putting an excessive amount of duty and power in the hands of a solitary supplier and dispose of the danger of being "held to emancipate" by that supplier (Gunasekaran et al., 2015). 2.Best of breed: A multi-vendor approach compels each outsourcer to give the best answer for every component of the outsourcing bargain to win it, making arrangements that are more custom fitted to administrators' needs. A few settled line occupants noticed that their scale was especially appropriate to an approach that permitted them to choose the best suppliers for every capacity being outsourced (Mwai, Kiplang Gichoya, 2016). Visibility into expenses: A multi-vendor procedure permits administrators to arrange independently for every component of the aggregate outsourcing bundle, giving a reasonable perspective of the cost of every component, and the potential for more prominent cost reserve funds (Guarnieri et al., 2015). Changing attitude: The management of Aztec needs to change its attitude toward the information technology. The organizations employees and management executives both need to support the project. The organization should have a great view toward the project. Establishing great communication: Ensure the service provider comprehends the venture determinations. Aztec will be as precise and detailed as possible (Markendahl Ghanbari, 2013). At the time of conveying IT works outside your association, Aztec require a lot of coordination and forward and backward correspondences significantly more than when Aztec appropriate over your inside association. Retain responsibility: Aztec must not think that outsourcing the network may allow it to neglect any responsibility toward the project. As the outcome of the project will determine the efficiency of Aztec business processes, it must monitor all the processes of the project (Siepmann, 2013). Aztec should have the ultimate power over the project. The vendor will provide report of every activity, threat, challenges and accomplishments to the organization. Review of the Project Impact on the current security posture of Aztec Implementation of a new IT network has great impact on the security posture of Aztek. In addition to this, there are various important stages that need to be considered in order to resolve the effects of the risks involved within the organizational structure of organizations (Hu, Hao Bao, 2014). These security aspects that are involved within the organizational structure of Aztek are elaborated in this part of the report. These are elaborated as follows: State sponsored espionage and sabotage of network This is one of the most effective risks associated with the implementation of IT network within the Aztek. There are various effective and dangerous attacks involved within the implementation of IT network within Aztek (Kori Rai, 2016). In addition to this, the risks involved because of the network implementation within the network architecture of Aztek and it this risk increases the chances of misusing the personal and organizational data that are used within the network architecture of Aztek. All of the information and data that are used for managing the effectiveness of the organizational architecture can be hacked with the help of these risks involved within the implementation process of new IT network (Friedberg et al., 2015). Monster DDOS attacks This is also considered as one of the most effective risks involved within the network architecture of organization. Aztek will face the same issue for the implementation of new network architecture within it. In addition to this, monster DDOS attacks are a special classification of DDOS attacks that are involved within the system architecture (Murakami, Kumano Koide, 2014). This attack is nothing but the exceeding usage limit of bandwidth for increased number of devices over the network (Bays et al., 2015). Generally the resources are targeted from the system architecture. This risks results into the multiple compromised system architecture. Loss of visibility and control created by IT consumerization This is another effective risk that is involved within the network architecture of the Aztek after the implementation of a new network within the organization. In addition to this aspect, when the organizational data or personal data is reached to the cloud, then neither the considered organization nor the effective personnel can investigate about the access to these data over the organizational network (Scott-Hayward, O'Callaghan Sezer, 2013). This aspect makes the system architecture weak and the chances of data theft are increased with respect to other conventional data storages. The password debacle Every implementation of network architecture introduces various password protection phenomenons within the network infrastructure of the Aztek. Aztek needs to manage the effective passwords for managing the security perspective within the organization. In contrast with this fact, weak passwords involved within the system architecture of the Aztek (Bala Venkatesh, 2015). Therefore, to make the network implementation process more secured and safe enough the organization needs to implement the more tough passwords that will protect the network databases. Other than this, the hackers sense the data to be more easily tractable as the weak passwords allows the system architecture to be weak. The Insider threat This is also one of the most effective threats involved within the network architecture of Aztek. The insider threat is defined as the leakages of information that is caused for employees and other organizational members involved within the network architecture (Kaiser-Bunbury Blthgen, 2015). There are various scopes and of misusing the information involved within the system architecture of the organization. The hacker traces the information from the organizational members and past employees involved with the organizational structure. Organizational information and other important aspects organizational decision making can be revealed with the help of this kind of threats involved within the network architecture of Aztek. Cloud Migration Cloud migration is one of the effective risks involved within the network architecture of Aztek. Cloud migration includes various aspects within the network infrastructure of the organization that reduces the security aspect from the organizational segmentation process (Whlisch, Schmidt Vahlenkamp, 2013). In addition to this, the migration of networks is effective in case of maintaining the system architecture of the organization. Cloud migration includes various threats and vulnerable situation within the network architecture within the organization. Security perspectives of the organization are improvised by recognizing the cloud migration techniques within the system architecture of Aztek. The cloud services can provide flexibility to the network architecture of the organization but this also includes various threats to the organizational network (Porras et al., 2015). Mobility This is also one of the most effective and malicious threat or risks involved within the network architecture of the organization (Antikainen, Aura Srel, 2014). Management and mobility of the network are important in managing the smart operations within the system architecture of Aztek. Therefore, mobility plays a lead role in destroying the security perspective of the organization (Jatav Singh, 2014). The organizations mainly look at the effective measures takes for the mobility perspective of network operations but they do not focus on the important aspect related to malicious code involvement within the network architecture of Aztek. This aspect makes the system architecture full of risks and the chances of hacking data thefts are increased. Internet Internet is also considered as one of the most effective threats considered when any network implementation process is taken into consideration (Alam De, 2014). In addition to this, the internet allows the users as well as the organizational members to incorporate various malicious codes and software that harms the organizational network structure as well as the database stored in to the organizational network. Therefore, this aspect makes the system architecture increases complexity within the organization and increases the chances of threats and risks within network architecture (Bou-Harb et al., 2013). In addition to this, various networks migration also involves various malicious codes and software within the network architecture. Privacy threats The privacy threats involved within the network architecture are generally comes from various malicious codes and software that helps the hackers and other malicious person that reveals the organizational data and assets (Sochor Zuzcak, 2014). User privacy concerns are mainly hampered in this threat. Identity theft There are various threats that reveal or hacks the personal information used within the implemented network, this aspect makes the persons feel like they are facing trouble due to identity crisis due to the theft of personal information of the users within the organizational network (Naylor et al., 2015). Risk Assessment: Risk Description Recommendations Operational risk Operational risk refers to loss of business due to system, procedure and policy failure. The network may not be able to handle all the flow of data and crash. In terms of avoiding the operational risk, the vendor organization should have a great understating and knowledge of the process flow in Aztec. Aztec must clearly represent their business operations and flow of data in front of vendor. The process flow should include all the levels of communication within it (Sturm, 2013). Recognizing the situation when a process may fail to provide desired outcome is an essential aspect. If the process tends to fail because of some network malfunction of incapability then it is responsibility of the vendor to provide the solution to the challenge. Data breach The network of any system can be the path for the cyber attackers to access the data unauthorized way. The sensitive information of the organization and customer may get leaked. Internal or external threats can be the reason behind this risk. While the project is going or about to end, the management of the organization should provide training to the employees of the organization about using the network. The server of the network will be configured in such a way that it will be able to detect and prevent intrusion. The network will not allow the users to do drop-by-downloads (Peters, 2014). The completion of the project is not end of the story. By exploiting network vulnerabilities, the hackers can manage to break any strong network. For avoiding this kind of situation, the network administrator must be able to perform daily basis vulnerability assessment. During the project, the network analyst must discover the areas to be improved for enhancing the business operations of the organization (Shu, Tian Ciambrone, 2017). For this reason, various patches will be applied to the server of the network. Risks to business continuity Business continuity refers to the process of constructing and enhancing the resilience within business (Arenas et al., 2015). Through outsourcing the IT network Aztec may risk the effectiveness of business continuity. Depending the on the vendors verbal assurance in terms of continuing the operations after implementing network is not relevant for business. Aztec reenacts emergencies with their merchants so they can perceive how instantly their sellers respond. For instance, they may recreate a server farm blackout so that the association can perceive to what extent it takes the merchant to raise another server farm in another area. In addition to that, assessing providers' of the organization business progression arranges. It is suggested Aztec build up a leave procedure on the off chance that a specialist co-operation leaves business. Aztec likely can either bring certain outsourced capacities back in house or exchange them to another supplier. It has thoroughly considered whether they have the offices and talented experts on staff to assume control over the work, and they have move arranges that encourage the exchange of work back in house or to another supplier. DDoS This kind of threats are the most harmful for the network of the organization. This attack is capable of damaging the network of Aztec completely by overwhelming it traffic from various sources (Naik, 2015). An assortment of strategies permit security groups to pick up knowledge into what's happening in a system. One of the more well known methodologies is stream inspecting as essentially all switches bolster some type of Flow innovation, for example, IPFIX, NetFlow, or sFlow. In this procedure, the switch tests parcels and fares a datagram containing data about that bundle. This is regularly accessible innovation, scales well, and is very satisfactory to demonstrate inclines in system activity. For top to bottom security investigation purposes, in any case, depending on tests is a genuine concession; you miss a huge snippet of data as you just get one bundle out of a thousand, or more awful (Dou, Chen Chen, 2013). A stream investigation gadget needs to assess the conduct of an activity stream over a more drawn out day and age to make certain something isn't right, and to evade false positives. Transfer speed is an imperative metric for a great many people. When looking for home Internet association, individuals frequently think about the data transmission metric. While it is imperative, as with numerous things, the unseen details are the main problem. Organizing gadgets eventually prepare arrange bundles, which normally differ in size. Little bundles utilize less data transfer capacity, while substantial parcels add up to bigger transmission capacities. The principle confinement of the systems administration hub is set by the measure of parcels a gadget can handle inside a moment (Naik, 2015). By sending numerous little parcels at a high rate, an aggressor can worry the foundation rapidly particularly customary security framework, for example, Intrusion Detection Systems or firewalls. These frameworks are likewise more powerless against stateless, high-rate ambushes, for example, many flooding assaults, because of their stateful security approach. Default or weak password Many cyber attackers search for the most vulnerable parts of a network. The use of weak passwords can provide an attacker the opportunity to get into the system without alarming anyone. The server will analyze all the information of the user. It will verify that the password or part of it is not related to any of the personal information of the user. The server will not also provide any default password to any user. The server will block the access of the users if they do not change the password in each month. Various password verification protocols will be installed within the server so that weak passwords are not accepted. Miss-configured firewall rule bases One of the greatest, most hazardous, suppositions is that everything is well in the firewall since it is been working fine (Bjorner, Jayaraman, 2015). Diving into a firewall rulebase that has never been broke down will unavoidably turn up genuine design shortcomings that consider unapproved access into the web environment. At times it is immediate get to while different circumstances it is aberrant from other system portions including Wi-Fi parts of the system that may have been for some time overlooked. Begin with your association's security strategy; one that mirrors the present circumstance and predictable business prerequisites. All things considered, your firewall rulebase is the specialized execution of this security approach. Survey it routinely and keep it applicable. OWASP gives some great direction on building operational security guides. Risk for Data Security Implementation of network involves various critical security issues while considering the data security perspective of the concerned network. In contrast with this fact, every network consists of various data operations involved within it. (Nasir et al., 2013) The risks assessment for the data security threats are very important in order to resolve the data security issues involved within the system architecture of implementation of IT network within Aztek. These data security risks are elaborated as follows: Non-existent security architecture There are various network data security risks involved within the network implementation process (Wang et al., 2014). If the organization does not have proper security architecture within their organization then this data security risks are introduced within the system architecture of the concerned organization. Aztek should consider the firewall if it is alone or not. The data security perspective is measures with respect to the effectiveness of the firewall in case of the network implementation process. Mitigation: Aztek should hire a professional that will design the proper security architecture for their organization or they may design the system architecture on their own to protect their network data (Hu, Hao Bao, 2014). Un-patched client side software and applications There are various computers and PCs used in implementation of new IT network for Aztek. These computers if contains older version of software or application that may include vulnerabilities within the network that in terms harm the data security perspective of the network (Friedberg et al., 2015). Therefore, this security threat is another aspect to be considered in order to maintain the effectiveness of the network data. Mitigation: Aztek should consider the implementation of robust patch management system that will be protecting their data from the malicious codes and vulnerabilities involved within the implemented network architecture of Aztek. Phishing and targeted attacks Network implementation process consists of various aspects that introduces data security threats within the implemented network architecture of Aztek. The hackers target the individual to get the access over the personal and organizational data (Kori Rai, 2016). Therefore, the hackers uses the effective network architecture for getting various data from the organization. This hacking method is known as phishing process in which way the hackers track all the information about the organization or personnel working over there. Mitigation: To reduce the vulnerabilities involved within the system architecture of Aztek, it can implement professional level e-mail security software in order to protect their data from getting leaked or hacked by the hackers (Murakami, Kumano Koide, 2014). Internet Websites The implementation of network involves the use of various computers and other technical equipments that are generally connected to the internet and browsing of web pages (Bays et al., 2015). This aspect involves various malicious codes and software that are generally harmful for the data of Aztek. These malicious codes harm the data of the organization or help the hackers in retrieving the data with the help of organizational network. Mitigation: These risks can be mitigated with the help of Aztek if the organization takes effective updating options within the organizational structure (Scott-Hayward, O'Callaghan Sezer, 2013). Backdates and non-updated software generally involves the malicious codes and software within the system architecture of Aztek. Poor Configuration Management Configuration management is very important in order to manage the effectiveness of the system and network architecture of the system (Bala Venkatesh, 2015). A computer connected to the network involves needs configuration management in order to provide effective solution or usages over the demands and needs of the users. Therefore, management of the policies and standards restricts the involvement of machines and software. Mitigation: This data security aspect can be resolved with the help of configuration management policies for accessing network (Kaiser-Bunbury Blthgen, 2015). Enforcement of controlling policies are effective in reducing this risks involved within the network architecture of Aztek. Mobile Devices Network implementation process consists of various uses of mobile devices within the organizational structure. In contrast with this fact, the use of mobile devices increases the chances of data leakages form the internal network (Whlisch, Schmidt Vahlenkamp, 2013). In addition to this, the network of Aztek can involve various data security threats within it as there are various members those uses the mobile devices. Mitigation: This risk can be mitigated with the help of various security standards and data protection measures taken within the network architecture of Aztek. In contrast with this fact, if Aztek introduces various security threats within the network architecture (Porras et al., 2015). Cloud computing Aztek should consider this aspect as one of the effective risks involved within the network architecture of the organization (Antikainen, Aura Srel, 2014). Cloud computing connects various devices and tools involved within the network architecture of organization. This aspect reduces the chances of data security. Cloud computing involves the security threats within the system architecture of the organization. Mitigation: Various threats involved due to the impact of cloud computing approach within Aztek can be mitigated with the help of implementation of data protection services within Aztek. The effective monitoring of security postures within the network architecture of Aztek can reduce the impact of these threats (Jatav Singh, 2014). Removal Media There are various external devices that are used for managing and transferring the information within the implemented network architecture of Aztek. In contrast with these facts, these Medias are responsible for managing the effective structure of the data base management system of Aztek. These external disks involve various threats and malicious aspects that harm the network infrastructure (Alam De, 2014). Mitigation: The scanning of viruses and effective monitoring process applied on the removable devices are helpful in solving the threats and security measures involved within the network architecture of Aztek. The scanning processes of removable disks are helpful in solving these kinds of risks within Aztek. Botnets This is another data security risks involved within the network architecture of Aztek. These risks can destroy the information and databases used for Aztek. Therefore, these risks are very dangerous for making the effective database structure harmed and affected. Organizations network generally affected by this threat or risks involved within network architecture of the organization (Bou-Harb et al., 2013). Mitigation: This can be mitigated with the help of effective security architecture that incorporates support for the effective data security architecture of Aztek. In sufficient data recovery The insufficient data recoveries used for the effective structuring of the databases are vulnerable in case of the data security maintenance within Aztek. Improper management of data recovery options allows the users to be affected by the threats and attacks of the data security threats involved within Aztek. Mitigation: The mitigation of these kinds of data security threats can be reduced with the help of reducing the lack of intensive care for the database management within Aztek. The organization can easily reduce the impact of these risks with the help of hiring one technical head who will monitor and checks the effectiveness of the databases management (Naylor et al., 2015). Conclusion: This can be concluded that the implementation of network is very helpful in managing various network related operations within the organization. In contrast with this fact, there are various threats and risks those are involved or introduced within the organizational structure. this report is considering the effective impact of network implementation within the organization. Aztek is considered in this report in order to evaluate the impact of network implementation process. In addition to this, this report is elaborating about the review of the project, threats and vulnerabilities involved in the network implementation and risks assessment of the network implementation project. Therefore, all of these aspects are very important to be managed with the help of various technical risks assessment process. In addition to this, this report is elaborating about the technical threats involved within the network implementation process within Aztek and the security postures involved within or ganizational structure Aztek due to the implementation of network are also elaborated in this report in order to effectively evaluate the threats and negative impacts of new network implementation within Aztek. Data security aspect is also being elaborated in this report in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the system architecture of Aztek with respect to various data threats and vulnerabilities within Aztek. The report is also elaborating the effectiveness of the system architecture of the organization with respect to network implementation measures. References Alam, S., De, D. (2014). Analysis of security threats in wireless sensor network.arXiv preprint arXiv:1406.0298. Antikainen, M., Aura, T., Srel, M. (2014, October). Spook in your network: Attacking an sdn with a compromised openflow switch. 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