Saturday, December 21, 2019

Essay about Wireless Network Security †How Secure Is It

WIRELESS NETWORK SECURITY – HOW SECURE IS IT? by Chris Bradley ITT Technical Institute Information Systems Security student November 23, 2010 Dr. French: This report on â€Å"Wireless Network Security† is submitted in accordance with your assignment for November 23, 2010. Sincerely, Chris Bradley ABSTRACT For this project, I asked the question â€Å"is wireless network protection truly safe?† My literature search led me to conclude that, if consumers use the most up-to-date and secure wireless network protection, they can connect to their wireless network and conduct business safely and confidently. TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page ----------------------------------------------- i Letter of Transmittal†¦show more content†¦Another helpful piece of advice that Vakil noted was, when using Internet browser windows, to check the address line to see if the â€Å"http† is replaced with â€Å"https† and to look for a small padlock in the status bar at the bottom of the browser window (Vakil, 2005). This will tell you if the web site you are accessing is secure. It is also recommended that a consumer use a personal firewall and the most up-to-date virus protection software (Breeding, 2005). Based on my research I concluded that if consumers use the most up-to-date and secure wireless network protection, they can connect to their wireless network and conduct business safely and confidently. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank Dr. Vikki French for giving me the insight and instruction that I needed to complete this paper. I would also like to thank my Parents, Duane and Donna Bradley, my Fiancà ©, Kris Mason, my son, CJ Bradley, and my daughter, Charity Hutchinson, for their unending support and understanding while I spent countless hours researching articles for and writing this paper. REFERENCES Breeding, M. (2005). Implementing wireless networks without compromising security. Retrieved September 21, 2010, from;hid=111amp;sid=3a4ec339-2e52-4022-a35a-1d6dba815e6b%40sessionmgr111amp;bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZSZzY29wZT1zaXRl#db=f5hamp;AN=16223798. Vakil, F. (2005). Wireless networks andShow MoreRelatedWireless Network Security : Abstract1520 Words   |  7 Pages Wireless Network Security Abstract This is the study over the wireless network security. As the wireless communication has the different way of physical transport compared to wire environment of communication thus we have to use different measure to secure a network in wireless environment. Wireless networking has more security threats and vulnerabilities and we must have an effectiveRead MoreQuestions On Internet Security Protocols1007 Words   |  5 PagesCapstone Essay 1st hour 4/10/2015 Destiny Case Internet Security Protocols Internet security protocols use many different methods to protect your computer from dangers across the internet. 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