Monday, January 6, 2020

Urban Runoff Is The Primary Source Of Ocean Pollution

The oceans need to be protected because it is where life began and if not taken care of, life as we know it will end. The well-being of the ocean is constantly being threatened and needs to stop. When dangerous substances go into the ocean, ecosystems suffer and become endangered along with the lives of people and marine life. The importance of protecting and preserving the quality and biodiversity of the world s coasts must be recognized because they are truly irreplaceable. If humans are not educated , and become careless about what is thrown on the ground or sprayed on lawns, disastrous effects follow when it comes to the condition of the ocean’s ecosystems, which can endanger life itself, leading to a problem only we can correct. There is historical evidence of ocean pollution, although the problem still shadows us today. One of the most poorly understood causes ocean pollution is urban runoff. Urban runoff is also one of the leading causes of ocean pollution, Surfrider ag rees, â€Å"Urban runoff is often the primary source of ocean pollution. The Ocean Friendly Gardens (OFG) Program educates and assists people in creating landscapes that utilize native plants, permeable ground covers and water retention features to prevent urban runoff, create wildlife habitats and design beautiful spaces† (Surfrider). Surfrider has a program called The Ocean Friendly Gardens where Surfrider goes to different areas that are more prone to urban runoff and creates a garden using nativeShow MoreRelatedThe Impact Of Marine Pollution On Our Environment1530 Words   |  7 PagesRutherford English IV 12 October 2017 The Impacts of Marine Pollution in Society Throughout history humans have always neglected the ocean and polluted the ocean. Pollution has been around even since the Roman times. 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Water is essential for all living things to survive, yet people still pollute it. Its pretty sad to be taking a trip to the beach with your family and you get there to see

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